Amber is an archaeological scientist based at Lund University, Sweden and specialising in chronology, luminescence analysis, and science in Egyptology.

She welcomes requests for research collaborations.

My main research interests are chronology, luminescence dating, ceramics and Egyptian archaeology of the Early Dynastic Period.

B. Ancient History (Honours), Macquarie University

2004 – 2007

DPhil. Archaeological Science, University of Oxford

2010 – 2017

MSc. Archaeological Science, University of Oxford

2009 – 2010

Researcher in Archaeological Science, Lund University/ German Archaeological Institute Cairo

2019 – Present

I have worked with luminescence dating, radiocarbon dating, organic residue analysis and elemental analysis of a wide range of Egyptian archaeological material. I am also working (or have worked) with Nubian, Cypriot, Maltese, Madagascan, Swedish and Norwegian archaeological materials.

I am passionate about archaeological science and particularly how it can be applied to the study of ancient Egypt. I believe in engaging in an interdisciplinary approach to Egyptology, working with large research teams that strive to achieve maximum understanding of the ancient past by using all available methodologies.

Please contact me if you are interested in my research or future collaborative research opportunities.